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 A I L M E N T S

D A N G E R                :     5/5

A F F E C T S              :     Primary Organs, Brain

C O N T A G I O N     :     Transfer of saliva
T Y P E                        :     CLOSED



     The Todj'aeger Virus keeps the infected alive after vital organs have shut down. It harnesses a mutated organism that influences the creature's mori hormones to keep the body functioning just enough to keep the host alive long enough to transfer the virus again. Reanimated Mortality ranges in individuals, from a few days to years beyond.

     Infection will begin when an individual's bloodstream comes into contact with the the infected saliva. Early symptoms will include twitching, itching, irritability and paranoia. When the virus reaches the nervous system it will cause fevers, headaches, spasms, scratching of muscles, hypersensitivity. In the final stages, when the virus reaches the brain, it causes sincere hallucinations, self mutilation, aggressive behaviour, loss of memory, organ failure, hydrophobia, desensitivity to sound/touch, extensive salivation, loss of control and eventually death. Some cases will experience paralysis. Reanimation is considered 10 minutes after the host has ceased responding to communication and only survives on the bare minimal instincts.

E X P O S U R E 

     The infected only seem to appear around late October to infect new hosts, although contact can occur at any time of year.
     When bitten, if no treatment is given within a few hours, the infected cannot be cured.


     To get an infected Alladon, you must catch a slot during the halloween weekend or purchase an already infected don! These are incredibly scarce to come by, so be vigilant in late October! (Slots around £20 each, can be poucher or adult, any breed.)



S Y M P T O M S 

     The Todj'aeger Virus has never been observed in the wild populations, thus has been theorised to have been artificial. The only confirmed case of infection beyond speculation was Specimen AM1312 (alias 'Wither'). AM1312 whereabouts, and status, is currently unknown however the last known documents of this animal incline that it was confined and studied within the Brookes Laboratories foundation under private government funding to study Alladon behaviour. The illegal studies conducted on AM1312 and the rest of the assets tested how the mori hormone would respond to extreme stresses and how the iconic adrenaline rush kept a creature that should have died, alive. It's theorised that the animal's mori mutated to compensate the constant threat of death, keeping the animals on a complete rush just to survive. In doing so, the mutation kept the animal from calming and eventually killed them. AM1312 was the only documented survivor of the laboratories collapse, and is still considered alive until his body has been located and officially labelled as deceased. 

[Record of infected]






D A N G E R                :     1/5

A F F E C T S              :     Temperament, Behaviour

C O N T A G I O N     :     Parasite
T Y P E                        :     OPEN



     Mori Ticks (also known as 'Bitch Bites' or 'Don Lumps' depending on what culture you're asking) are a type of ectoparasite that evolved alongside the alladontosaurs millions of years ago. Much like regular ticks, these blood suckers are picked up from the warmer landscapes and will latch onto it's host relatively unseen or unheard of until ready to reproduce and drop off. The key tell-tale that an alladon is the host of a Mori Tick is a sharp behavioural change, caused by the pest releasing a hormone that induces adrenaline rushes. As the name suggests, Mori Ticks thrive on the mori hormones in an alladon's blood.

     The foreign hormone will often trigger aggressive, restless, irritable, impatient behaviour- sometimes causing the host to become overly sexual for a period of time.  It can sometimes cause the host to become attracted to the opposite of their usual sexuality and sometimes even non-alladons.
     Hence the expression, 'Bitch Bites'.

     Bitch Bites may also be used to describe irrational behaviour in unaffected dons, as a kind of insult.


     A tick can usually be removed with very minor discomfort to the host, and behaviour will regulate within the hour. It is a natural behaviour for dons to preen themselves or their partners, this is usually to detach any nasties such as Mori Ticks before any problems are caused.


Alladons have evolved to be the worlds most adaptable predators, combating most modern day illness' with little less than a week or so rest. The mori hormones that flow through their blood bless them with a stronger than most immune system, however nothing is truly immune.  With a super-adapted organism come some super adapted and unique virus' to tackle them.

Due to the inbreeding issues within the feral alladon populations, there are several genetic conditions that dons are predisposed to, which range from small cosmetic issues to structural abnormalities and internal problems. This article will go into some of the known issues alladons can contract.

Note, alladons can contract any of the common day illness'/infections, however they have a natural immunity to these and can fight them off relatively easier than other animals. This article will dive more into the issues unique to alladons.


           A Closed virus is a monitored one that only a handful of alladons can have/be exposed to. An Open virus can be 

           given to whoever, whenever the owner wants.


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