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SECTION 1a:   S P E C I E S   R U L E S


These rules will be revised very soon!

Alladons, once purchased, are free for you to use as your own character. I'm not stone-hard set on 'they must follow these rules' because dons are designed to be independent and malleable to any situation. Just remember to credit ThatAlbinoThing as the creator of the species/design. I do not condone changes in the design of your character once adopted unless discussed with me prior or commissioned by myself. Small things like scars, tattoos etc I have no quarrel with. If you want to have the do something that is completely polar opposite to what the species norm is, give it a reason to be that way. Development is important to any character! These are my only solid conditions of owning an alladon.


If you're interested in following to lore that comes with alladons or mingling with the rest of us, here are the conditions:


  1. #1 - Never take an alladon's thing.

  2. #2 - They are driven by instinct. They can feel the polar opposite, but the urge to act as described for the species will always be there.

  3. #3 - Lower scoring alladons will be intimidated/respect higher scoring alladons naturally. 

  4. #4 - They must seek companionship of sorts- within the dynamic must be a leader (whether that's the alladon or not).

  5. #5 - They're carnivores- vegetation will be tolerated in small doses but will eventually make the don sick.

  6. #6 - D E V E L O P M E NT... Dive into the inner workings of your don, WHY do they tick the way they do?

  7. #7 - Alladons are a CLOSED species, meaning you can only obtain one from purchasing from a ThatAlbinoThing account on Discord or Facebook. If you receive one via a trade/resale, please get the original owner to confirm this otherwise the resale will be invalid on my records and the alladon will be de-registered (this is to prevent character theft in the community).

  8. #8 - Alladons are a 16+ species due to the nature of detail in their biology (and some of the artwork that comes with them). If I find that a minor has bought a design, I will 'lock' the design until their 16th birthday. They will also be blocked from the alladon-access-only channels on the discord.

  9. #9 - If you wish to part ways with us and sell your don on, that's perfectly fine. Check Prices for how much your alladon is worth and add on all the art you'd collected for it. You are also required to message the #contact-an-admin channel on the discord, or alert an admin, that the trade has taken place and been finalised so my registration team can update the logs and introduce the new owner. Failure to do so will result in an official warning, and continued neglect of trading updates will have you blacklisted from adoption and your alladons will be deregistered. We have to be strict on this.

  10. #10 - Once the owner has decided the Alladons gender, it CANNOT be changed IF they have had pouchers. OR, if a poucher has been aged up into a specific gender.

  11. #11 - Your alladon is it's registry number. If you are deregistered for whatever reason then your alladons have been disowned as part of our species and will no longer be classed as an alladon. I will ask that you change the species but that is up to you. If you receive an alladon/poucher with an invalid or fake registry number, please contact me or an admin on our Discord Server so we can deal with it appropriately.


ADDED FROM DISCORD|| (These rules were brought into effects within their respected time frames and are being added here for ease of understanding- they will be expanded very soon when the rules are revised!)


#12 - Selling a registered alladon to a deregistered user is currently prohibited.

#13 - Selling a registered alladon to a blacklisted user is prohibited and risks potentially being         

          blacklisted (pending investigation from the admin team).

#14 - We are currently not honouring 'owed' gifted breed slots with dons that have been deregged. 

          Please check our #announcements channel for our current stance and conditions with breeding

          slots with dons who have been deregged (If you do not want to join our discord, get in touch with

          a current member or an admin and we can get a screenshot for you!).

#15- Invites are requestable but are not currently public. This is for a number of reasons, but the

         biggest factor is a little housekeeping we've been working on for a few months. If you would like to

          join the alladon server please get in touch with an admin! We just want to find out who's joining

         and  what their intentions are. This will not be forever and is just a temporary measure
#16- Currently, alladons can not be made into other species. This is also just a temporary measure

          whilst we fix up some rules (Meme creatures are fine!).



SECTION 2:   P O U C H E R   R U L E S

Universal Rules (a.)

  #1 - Owners must have a pouchling for 3 months [real time] before it can be considered as an adult and rebased to officially be classed as an adult. If commissioning a rebase or a reference sheet, the date of adoption must be given with evidence-- or if I'm aware of the adoption date I'll confirm this. Rebasing will be the official step into adult hood. They do not need to be rebased after the 3 month time period is up, this is up to the owner to decide!


    #2 - Whelps/Pouchlings cannot be bred from until the 3 month time limit is up and they have been rebased. 

     #3 - Pouchlings will not be given a '#number', but instead will be given a code that relates to their genetic line. If/when they are rebased they will be given an official #number.

    #4 - Pouchlings are always going to have the family ties to their parents- speak with the discord about working out where they came from and their history!

     # 5 - It is down to the parents to discuss what will happen to the child. This should be a communicative process however I won't be regulating it. Make sure you make all efforts to supply TOS/and follow the TOS of breeders. Owners have every right to blacklist any individual they deem necessary from breeding with their alladons.


'Pouchlings' and 'Whelp' are the terms given to premature alladons. If adopted, there are a few limitations on these designs until they can be used as normal alladons.


Cheebs by @Sonna



SECTION 3a:   D I S C O R D / C O N D U C T


     The main hub for this species is our discord server! We're there to send information, exchange ideas, help develop our characters and trade art and artists that we get of our alladons! I want to create a trustworthy community that isn't toxic or elitist like some other species... regardless of your artistic skills, your large/small wallet, you're all equal in this community. The server is an informal way of getting to know your fellow dons and a great way to make new friends and find artists/creative minds to help you.


     These following rules are compulsory and failure to abide by them after an official warning will result from being removed from the server (whether this be temporary or permanent):


  1.  Do not pick on any other member of the chat regarding anything. I don't mind a little friendly banter or if it's done  using the characters- but nothing personal is to be said to anyone else. You have gripes with someone? Take it into DMs.

  2.  Do not shame someone for their artwork. We're here to develop each-other as artists and as creators. 

  3. Keep the chat at least vaguely relevant. Your tasty coffee is fine for a few posts but showing us your brand new character isn't really essential to see. If you wanna show off, DM someone.

  4.  Don't cause or bring drama into the server. I'm extremely strict on this rule as I want the dons, whilst a fun, banterful environment, to be a place where people feel safe. Have a gripe with someone? Take it into DMs.

  5.  If you're having 'banter' - i.e playfully picking on a character with defects, make sure you know when to stop. There is a line between banter and bullying and if I see you cross it I will call you up on in.

  6.  Act mature in the chat. If you can't take a little banter, or if you can't tolerate someone who's speaking, don't respond for a while and wait for them to move on.

  7. RPing in chat is not allowed. Don't be annoying- there's no definition, just be normal!

  8. Some NSFW will be shared within the chat. These SHOULD BE WARNED before hand and a link should be posted instead of uploaded straight to the chat, but beyond this there is no obligation for you to view or take part.

  9. Anybody specifically upsetting you within the chat? Tell them to stop first, if they continue please report them to an admin.

  10.  If you're being annoying, I or an admin will tell you to stop. Don't be offended, just stop. 

  11. Begging in chat is now disallowed. If you would like someone to claim for you on an adopt or a breeding slot, personal message a friend. Claiming for others is still allowed, however people will have to offer their service first. Anyone found begging will be reminded of this rule. Continuous breakers will receive an official warning.

  12. We release certain alladons with snipe guards/don-blocks to help get new members of the server into the species. Whilst frustrating for some, this is for the good of the newbies in the server, as it can be really difficult to get an alladon. Anybody thought to be trying to bypass the Snipe-Guard rules by enrolling out of server acquaintances to get access to dons will be faced with the possibility of a temporary adoption ban, or an official warning. This is down to the discretion of the admin team.

  13. Spamming advertisements (including stud slots, commission slots, alladon sales etc) are not allowed in the server. Please remember that these channels are for people to scroll through and find what they want, and isn't a first come first serve board.


It's not a rule, but we encourage everyone to remember what it was like when they first joined the alladon server and how hard it was to get your ticket don. 





Before you even buy an alladon, you can join our Discord! The same rules as above apply (and are clarified in the channel descriptions if you're unsure). On Discord, we have an admin team that each have individual roles. Active members on Discord can and will be promoted as we grow!



NEW!! (And mostly temporary...)

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