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P A C K I N G / F O L L O W I N G / H Y P E R A D A P T A T I O N

     It is driven into their very biology to seek perfection amongst themselves. A weak, unproductive or lazy alladon would only be signing its own death warrant in a pack, so their nature compensated by producing muscular, athletic and powerful animals with an undying need to follow a leader. An alladon without any sort hireachy will develop depression, anxiety and will all-round shut down. Their ability to hyper-adapt by identifying the most dominant species in the environment that they're in and learn to mimic them within the space of a few years means that an alladon can become very placid and 'dog like' whilst learning how their immediate environment  goes about finding food, water and shelter. 

     They are well known for attaching themselves onto another being's daily life to study and adapt. The most common being humans, but this can be any creature- even an adjusted alladon. Often, this will involve moving themselves into an individuals home, taking their food, following them into the shower, following them to work or even just sitting outside the toilet, usually using their sheer size and almost innocent, child like state as a shroud for their intrusive behaviour.

     More often than not, this can lean to emotional attachment to their watcher.

M I N E P I L E S / T H I N G S

     Alladons are also hoarders. There is an uncontrollable instinct that doesn't seem to have any addition to their evolutionary success that makes the don suddenly and deeply attached to certain objects/people/other things. These obsessions can last for a few weeks or a lifetime.

     'Things' are usually just protected amongst their dwellings, so an alladon will decide that the spoons in the house are theirs and that nobody else is allowed to touch them. This is called an alladon's theoretical  'mine pile' (however sometimes this will lead to

                               actual hording behaviours and small piles of objects in the   

                                          house/dwelling being made in random places). As a sign of                                                            affection, an alladon will give the receiver a gift from the mine                                                  pile. This can be a sign or trust, love, forgiveness or even a guilty

                                               conscience. For example, a broken vase with a fork laying in                                                     the middle of the remains and no alladon in sight is a common                                          scene.


          There is no limit to what an alladon can make their thing. Words, phrases, certain songs, animals, objects, specific hand gestures- anything!

Everybody Knows_final.png
Neo Zombae1.png


     If uncredited, art was by @ThatAlbinoThing

 'Plum and Vinci in the snow' - @Neo Zombae (Discord), 'Arias Things - @Birbdog (Instagram)


A D J U S T M E N T 

     Adjustment can take anywhere between a few months, to a few years, to an entire lifetime. Usually, like a child, the more experiences and alladon in adjustment faces the quicker it will learn to be independant. Despite this, even a fully adjusted alladon will crave companionship. Adjusting alladons attitudes will vary from animalistic (feral) to completely civilised and integrated into a society (domesticated). Behaviour will vary between individuals, but a 'watcher' that they are learning from will be treated as their leader.



     Some alladons will be forced to adjust by themselves, or would never have had contact with other alladons. These individuals will usually develop strong instabilities regarding their identity when hormones and bodily processes (such as Mori) kick in, however this depends on the individual. Most will become aggressive, manic, psychotic or extremely depressed.

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