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C H R O N I C A L S   O F   O U R   S P E C I E S

Over the last few years, we have run a handful of events for our members to take part in and enjoy. This page will document the official alladon events that have been created, and the stories they included- so you can relive any of our fun times whenever you want!

Horde Rising THUMB.png


(Allaween 2018)



Wither escaped his quarantine and infected a portion of the alladon population with the synthetic and fatal infection, Tod'jeager Virus.

Wither is a furdon who was confined to the parameters of a cruel and immoral lab experiment, who's legacy is run by Emma Brookes. It's goal was to test the endurance ranges of the alladon's unique hormone stimulant, Mori, and to define the boundaries of death in the animals. After the secret lab was abandoned and operations fell apart, Director Brookes continued her father's research in a vain attempt to keep the crumbling laboratory functioning.

      The animals listed in the experiment included two K. electi, two K. tenebris and two K. reno, however Wither is the only known survivor of the laboratory's collapse. The experiments were so devastating on the creature's bodies that it forced the very asset they were studying to mutate into a highly active strain of mori hormones- which left the animals in a state of constantly over-stimulation until their bodily functions became little more than the most primal of basic instincts. 

     The hormones attached themselves to a virus strain already in the animal, which would go fourth to become the begining of the 2018 epidemic, 'Horde Rising...' Tod'Jaeger outbreak.  

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     Users of the alladon server would be able to pay to have an alladon of their choice 'killed' via infection of the TDJ Virus. A batch of 6 were taken, and users were asked to select a 'bite point' and to come up with a story of how the escaped Experiment took the life of that alladon. Users would be allowed to continue to use their alladons non-infected design should they chose, however it would become cannon that the death of that alladon would be at the jaws of Wither going forward.


Showtime invaded the alladon website and set about hiding sinister candy for the communities pouchers to find. Each candy contained a little bit of information that helped bring the menace down.

     The infamous freakshow would travel around the country picking up waifs and strays to bring into it's travelling performance. Amongst these, is a manic alladon known as 'Showtime'. Absolutely nothing is known about their origins, only that they're relatively unstable and would only answer to the command of the Ringmaster. 

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(Allaween 2019)

    The show contained many performers behind the scenes; most notably 'Hitchie' (a hybrid with only Darkdon wings and a tail for limbs) and Jessie (an Elite with dual pupils in both eyes), but would primarily consist of the Ringmaster Charley Smithii , Technical Assistant Bella "Grublin" Strange, Director Mitch Smithii and Showtime them self. Due to the rather unethical practice of the show, they were forced to travel with their enormous circus tent known as 'The Spider' after it's main compartment and 8 smaller tents that branched off from out. This put enormous pressure on the horses used to pull Charley's wagon. Quite often, the horses they used would die from the stress. They were either burried on whichever site they were showing on or cut up and fed back to the guests/performers, with Showtime being the only performer to know of the horses demise.


     Charley had made it abundantly clear to his brother that he wished to downsize the show, and get rid of Showtime. A decision Mitch would not even consider, considering Showtime was the main attraction to the show. Charley believed in his brother's vision, and wanted nothing more than for him to be successful. As Showtime would only heed to him, Charley stayed and tried his best to help wrangle the show into a more manageable affair. But as time went on, Showtime's ego became greatly inflated by the adoring fans of the audience. The implementation of merchandise themed after them didn't help the situation, and it wasn't long before Showtime became borderline unmanageable. They would insistently scream, 'This is MY SHOW!' whenever scorned or punished for refusing a cue and was sporadically made to miss particular shows depending on the temperament of the animal at that time.


      One night, Showtime had freed themselves from their cage (all other performers were free to leave their accommodation whenever they wished) and without the adequate supervision of the Ringmaster, attempted to hang Hitchie from the rafters of the tent for 'fun'. Luckily, the scene was discovered by Grublin and she alerted the Ringmaster in time to scare Showtime off back into his cage. Mitch, in blind rage, got too close to Showtimes confines and was pulled partially through the bars by the animal, once again being seen off by Charley. 


     With what would be the show's final night approaching, Charley had been begging Mitch to consider limiting the show. A bad storm had been forecast for their performance that night and Showtime had been acting more sporadic than ever before- watching Grublin climbing around the tent frame attaching ropes and lighting rigs like a shark waiting for an unfortunate gull to fall into the water. Mitch, though weary, still refused. By which time, Showtime had clocked onto the pair's plans to cut them from the act and heavily protested the idea. Enraged, erratic and uncontrollable, Charley got into an exceptionally desperate row with his brother to cancel the show- for fears for the general public among all else. Reluctantly, Mitch agreed. Though it would make little difference as the storm would soon batter the Spider in an almighty battle of wind and hail. Mitch and Charley would be trapped in the organisers tent as their circus took damage and the fragile ground became waterlogged. The main tent took so much damage, it ripped a hole in the roof which allowed water to pour into the containment cell for the beast within... loosening it's restraints. Grublin managed to get to the other performers before Showtime escaped and helped escort them to safety before hiding herself under one of the collapsed tents. Showtime was free... and Showtime blamed Mitch.

     Mitch was finally able to free the pair from the operations tent and attempted to get to the performers to free them too, but met an unfortunate fate in the trap of the manic asset. Without a second's thought, Showtime savaged Mitch's helpless body beneath their bulked, enraged mass before setting their sights on Charley.

     The events of that night are not known for sure. All the facts following say is that Grublin was able to bury Mitch's body as she did with any remains from the show. The performers, at least in part, made it to safety, and Charley, Showtime and the entire circus tent were nowhere to be seen the following morning. Not even a tent peg left to be seen. News officials say the circus was washed away in the storm, over the side of the cliff it was set upon, and washed out to sea. However some say that the show will be back... like it always is.

     Users of the alladon server would set out to find the hidden candy sprites across the alladon website, and record 'keywords' attached to each piece which would form out a rhyme related to the hidden story of Showtime and the Freakshow. Each piece of candy had a correlated lore piece, and users were encouraged to find and order it all to discover the full lore. Those who found all 31 candy would be awarded 20% off of a bid on Showtime (who, along with all characters in the event, was sold on October 31st 2019). The correct corresponding order of the rhyme is as follows.


Click, Clack, Goes the Wag. He charged a penny, a dime.

Rip, Snap, the horse's back. He forced them two at a time, Oh.

No, More Foal's to draw The Ringmaster's Cruel old game.

Heave, Ho, Up we go. Make the Master's Spider.

One, Two, Three, Four, Gather all Here and after.

Five, Six, Seven and Eight, Sit down, Enjoy, It's Showtime.



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(Christmas 2019)



C o m i n g  s o o n....

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     Coming soon...

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