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N A T U R A L  .  H I S T O R Y

     Alladons are large draconic-appearing creatures that have remained relatively unchanged for 251 million years. Neither reptile or mammal, they have an almost unmatched ability to adapt to the demands of their environment sometimes as quick as a single generation. As their natural habitat is decreasing and more and more packs are being forced into neighbouring territories, more and more individuals are moving into civilisations and foreign worlds to seek a more comfortable life. Because of this, there are feral and domestic populations of alladons.


     They are officially apart of the Kleidaradontia suborder, in the order Therapsida (Visit Biology for the full Classification). As is with any other Kleidaradon, Alladontosaurs have the unique adaptation of rapid decomposition. Because of this, it is incredibly hard to pinpoint where this species originated, it's ancestors and where it's adaptations came from. All that is known now is that the three remaining species of Kleidaradontia are, naturally, exclusively from the isolated mountains of Scotland. More studies are being conducted on wild populations.


     The three remaining species are:

  • Kleidaradontia electi (Common name 'Elite)

  • Kleidaradontia tenebris (Common name 'Darkdon')

  • Kleidaradontia reno (Common name 'Furdon')

  • ​

     The known, yet unfortunately extinct species are:​

  • Kleidaradontia praeliator 

  • Kleidaradontia pontus


The family Alladontosaur are defined by being 'terrestrial living with aerial ability if required'.

N A T U R A L  .  E N V I R O N M E N T 

    All remaining Kleidaradons reside in mountainous environments withing close proximity of each-other.  Elites will reside on the mountain sides, flying only when scaling the mountains, crossing valleys or hunting. Darkdons will reside in the forests in between the Elite territories, with the ability to use their powerful wings as a second pair of arms to scale vertical rocks if needed and finally Furdons will choose to live in open grasslands alongside common alladon prey, using their fur as a method of camouflage.

     Species live in such close proximity, interbreeding is not uncommon.


MUCLATHA (Folklore)

"     Every December, excited little pouchers would begin to gather any and all magic items they could find, and organising their lists of items they wanted to recieve from The Great Muc-Muc [Mook-mook].

    Adult dons would uplift the children with fun little tales of the great sky whale, almost 100m in length, who comes out of brumation to travel the world delivering gifts to pouchers who donated 'magic' to her. They make up fun little games to keep them entertained, making small dolls of grass and bone and taking them around for big experiences over the year, where the grass catches all the magic that happens and holds it for the Muc-Muc. Sometimes not dolls- sometimes special rocks, unusual bones, or scriptures if they could write! The more magical, the greater the present from the Muc-Muc and her Guardian.

     When they wake up at the end of December, they may be lucky enough to have the gift they most desired-- sometimes only a gift they deserved.

     The Muc-Muc is said to swallow all kinds of treasures along her journey around the world. However... has also been known to swallow sly pouchers who stay up past their bedtime..."





Legendary Creature



      Muclatha is a celebration mainly held to enrich the minds of young pouchers. It takes place over December and involves The Muc-Muc, a legendary flying whale that spends the whole year brumating in an unknown place and only strives down to 'visit pouchers' so it's Guardian and collect all the 'magic items' the pouchers had made/collected that year in exchange for gifts. Some dons claim to have seen the Muc-Muc, others dismiss it as a mere fable.


    Muclatha is a tradition mainly celebrated by wild packs, but may be celebrated in civil or domestic populations with a history of living feral. It often involves adults creating elaborate costumes of the Muc-Muc (with each artist bringing their own interpretation to that year) and constructing dance routines (similar to Chinese Lion dances). Each Muc-Muc costume will be constructed with the resources that the designers have in their vicinity- they're supposed to be a display os resourceful craft, not 'who does it best'. An opportunity for an alladon to express their artistic flare whilst uplifting the younger generations.

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