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E X P L A I N I N G . S K I N . S C O R E S . . .

     Like their need to serve someone above them, alladons have a natural desire for genetic perfection. A strong, noble, 10/10 skin scored alladon is the most desirable of their designated species *note: Furdons don't have a 0-10 system*. Each one has it's own standards, but the general rule of the thumb:


(Please note: Alladons do not know the skin scores of other alladons, this is just a rough look through their eyes on how they would assess

eachother mentally).



Primary    Secondary  Tertiary







Primary    Secondary  Tertiary


     Marked in these charts are what the perfect 'Royal' colours are for Elites and Darkdons. The white dotted lines would make a 10/10 alladon for each species. Any deviation from these colours in their spectrums would result in a score drop. Sometimes, having a low scoring P and a royal S will up the score a little. These discrepancies can be seen in the alladon's full genome if you want to know what your alladon is! (See Genetics for more!). These charts don't include saturation or the slight variation in hue that can also occur naturally.

The solid red lines indicate 5/10s.

The ! indicates 2-0/10 Defectives.



     Furdons are the only alladons that can express green in their skin/fur (Elites and Darks can rarely have a green throwback in their flesh/blood colours). Furs also do not function on a scoring system, and will generally love any and all who are kind to them. Left is just a few examples of common colours they can express.


    When alladons express colours that are not natural to their species, this is a clear sign that at some point in their genetic line, there has been some form of cross species breeding. The natural colours for each species is automatically more dominant when it comes to breeding.








Primary    Secondary  Tertiary

Don Superstitions...

     White Alladons are omens of            bad luck, lust, infidelity and child         killers. The white poucher shows insubordination amongst the parents. Yet make the most passionate of lovers, one must be careful not to fall to a white alladon...

     Royals (10/10) produce the strongest children regardless of attitude, health or rank.

W H A T . A . S C O R E . M E AN S . T O . A N . A L L A D O N


0 : Defective / Hybrid - Most stigmatised amongst alladons. Will either be abandoned or slaughtered after pouching or will usually be the easiest to adjust to domestic life where other species will not pick on the 'defects' of the animal.


1 : Borderline Defective - An almost unregonisable or extremely uneven distribution of primary, secondary AND tertiary markings. Absence of 1 or 2 of the main tones. Heavy/complete dilution of one or two of the main tones. Weight of secondary or tertiary marking distribution is far too heavy or far too weak.


 2 : Very Low  - Very poor distribution of primary, secondary or tertiary markings, though the blueprint colours are still distinguishable- even if barely. 


3-4 : Low-Common - A poor/passable distribution with a dominant primary colour, subordinate secondary colour with patches of tertiary. Stripes may now play a part of the final score and should be visible.


 5-7 : Desirable - Anything in this category would be considered desirable. These should bare even more refined primary, secondary and tertiary colours with slight/unsightly irregular patches/scattering. Tones make still be pale.


8-10 : Very Sought After - Markings are perfectly symmetrical, with the perfect distribution of a rich primary colour, a bright secondary and dark tertiary. These alladons are usually treated as gods, even mistreated defectives will see the prettiness of these creatures. Due to their desirable markings, these are very sought after during the mating season, however 8-10s will usually stick to breeding with those close to their tone on the spectrum.


     Defective born offspring will be killed or abandoned after pouching, where their skin's pigment have matured and can be assessed by the others around it. Whilst it varies per pack and per the individuals inside it, some packs will also expel/slaughter 1-2 scoring alladons too, even if productive, healthy, strong members. A pack which has a higher consistency of lower scoring alladons and generally looked down upon by those that breed higher scoring packs, so out of social standing amongst neighbour relationships members will be selected on skin scores.


S K I N . S C O R E S

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